Load unfinished survey Resume later default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Submission Form Humanist 2025 Humanist - Virtual Centre of Excellence Conference 2025 Submit a contribution for the conference General information (This question is mandatory) Submission type Choose one of the following answers Full Conference Paper (5-6 pages) Extended Abstract (2 pages) (This question is mandatory) Submission title Authors Please state title, first name, last name, email adress and affiliation of all authors, starting with the first author. (This question is mandatory) Number of authors Only numbers may be entered in this field. Title (1st Author) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof (This question is mandatory) First Name (1st Author) (This question is mandatory) Last Name (1st Author) (This question is mandatory) Contact Email Address (1st Author) (This question is mandatory) Department/company/affiliation (1st Author) Title (2nd Author) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof First Name (2nd Author) Last Name (2nd Author) Contact Email Address (2nd Author) Department/company/affiliation (2nd Author) Title (3rd Author) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof First Name (3rd Author) Last Name (3rd Author) Contact Email Address (3rd Author) Department/company/affiliation (3rd Author) Title (4th Author) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof First Name (4th Author) Last Name (4th Author) Contact Email Address (4th Author) Department/company/affiliation (4th Author) Title (5th Author) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof First Name (5th Author) Last Name (5th Author) Contact Email Address (5th Author) Department/company/affiliation (5th Author) Title (6th Author) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof First Name (6th Author) Last Name (6th Author) Contact Email Address (6th Author) Department/company/affiliation (6th Author) Title (7th Author) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof First Name (7th Author) Last Name (7th Author) Contact Email Address (7th Author) Department/company/affiliation (7th Author) Title (8th Author) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof First Name (8th Author) Last Name (8th Author) Contact Email Address (8th Author) Department/company/affiliation (8th Author) Title (9th Author) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof First Name (9th Author) Last Name (9th Author) Contact Email Address (9th Author) Department/company/affiliation (9th Author) Title (10th Author) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof First Name (10th Author) Last Name (10th Author) Contact Email Address (10th Author) Department/company/affiliation (10th Author) Presenter Title of presenter Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Mrs Mr Mx Dr Prof (This question is mandatory) First Name of Presenter (This question is mandatory) Last Name of Presenter (This question is mandatory) Contact Email Address of Presenter (This question is mandatory) Preferred type of presentation Oral (presentation of about 15-20 minutes) Poster No preference Submission Upload (Full Conference Paper/ Extended Abstract) Please upload your submission (document). Please use the provided template. (This question is mandatory) Please upload your Extended Abstract / Full Paper here. Please upload at most one file Upload file Title Comment File name Upload file Submission Topic (This question is mandatory) Please indicate the area(s) your presentation fits in best. Select all that apply Traffic safety Road user behavior Different transport modes Specific road user groups (e.g., vulnerable road users) Road user needs and requirements (e.g., accessibility, autonomy, inclusiveness, efficiency, sustainability) Technical, ethical, legal and societal challenges for road traffic Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS) (Highly) automated/autonomous vehicles (AVs) Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) AI-applications in intelligent vehicles Human factors methods for road traffic research (e.g., simulation, modeling, scale development) Terms of Agreement (This question is mandatory) I have permission and a budget to travel and present this paper at the conference. At least one of the authors shall register and pay the registration fee. [You must accept these conditions, else your submission will not be considered.] Choose one of the following answers I confirm and accept these conditions. Submit Load unfinished survey Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey